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Mikvah USA $10,000.00

Mikvah USA Raffle - $10,000.00

Winner: Rav Aharon Eichler Brooklyn, Boro Park



Mikvah USA supports communities across the United States in every aspect of their mikvah construction projects. 

We provide technical, halachic and financial support, ensuring that every mikvah is built to exacting physical and halachic standards. 

The end product is one that is remarkably successful in attracting Yiden to mikvah use.

Mikvah USA is here to help – join us. We have established 26 mikvos across America, making tahara a reality in far-flung communities. 

Presently, Mikvah USA is helping 25 widespread communities who desperately need our help to build a mikvah.

This is a golden opportunity to help Klal Yisroel achieve kedusha.

We cannot let these communities down! 

Please donate generously and help us continue our holy work.

Ticket Options:
1 Ticket for $15

5 Tickets for $25

10 Tickets for $50

20 Tickets for $100
You will receive a $25 Gift Certificate at DB Electronics.

25 Tickets for $151
You will enter a raffle to win zchus of Building a Mikvah

Enter the amount of tickets you wish to purchase in the Quantity box below
