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Buy Raffles is a website targeting the burgeoning market of Jewish raffles. Raffles are sold for a wide spectrum of worthy, charitable organizations and is seeking to increase the number of sales in a simple, easy-format manner.

Buyers are invited to browse through the wide variety of raffles posted on our site. This provides a unique forum in which buyers can view the numerous institutions and organizations, the prizes they are offering, and the prices of their raffles. In addition, the winners of each raffle are posted as soon as their names are drawn.

To view the myriad possibilities by browsing our unique collection Click Here


Sell Raffles

This is an opportunity that cannot be overlooked. Raffle-sellers are urged to post the pertinent details of their specific offers on our website, in order to increase their sales tenfold. Thus, the pool of potential customers is expanded to include members of the international Jewish community. After contacting, sales will rise at an unprecedented rate.

To post a raffle on our acclaimed website Click Here